This site is the property of the S.A. M. des Entreprises J. B. PASTOR & FILS

Any modification or additional content added to this site shall be subject to these terms. These terms are translated for information only, in the event of divergence, only the French version shall prevail.


S.A. M. des Entreprises J. B. PASTOR & FILS.

RCI 56S00353 - NIS 4399C00243

Publishing Manager:  Mr Patrice PASTOR
 "The Prestige" - 25, Chemin des Revoires - B. P. 10
MC 98001 Monaco
Cedex Tel. +377 93 25 04
00 Fax +377 93 50 78 06


41, Avenue Hector Otto
"The Patio Palace "

Tel: +377 99 99 99 97


2 Rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix – France

Tél. : 0 820 698 765


The main purpose of this site is to present and propose the services provided by S.A.M. des Entreprises J. B. PASTOR & FILS as described on the different pages of the site, which is freely accessible.

S.A.M. des Entreprises J. B. PASTOR & FILS has created this site for the personal information of its users This site is governed by law of Monaco; visitors who access the site from abroad must ensure compliance with the locally applicable laws. As a user of this internet site, you acknowledge checking that you have checked that your computer configuration contains no viruses and that it is in perfect operating condition, before using the site of the S.A.M. des Entreprises J. B. PASTOR & FILS.

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Although S.A.M. des Entreprises J. B. PASTOR & FILS makes every effort to provide reliable content on its site and takes the utmost care in updating the site, the information and presentations contained on the site of S.A.M. des Entreprises J. B. PASTOR & FILS are indicative and for information purposes only; they may be modified at any time without notice.  S.A.M. des Entreprises J. B. PASTOR & FILS may not under any circumstances be held either fully or partially liable for the use of such information or content for professional or private purposes. Therefore, S.A.M. des Entreprises J. B. PASTOR & FILS will not be liable for: any error, inaccuracy or omission regarding the information presented on this site; any direct and/or indirect damages, whatever the cause, origin, nature or consequences, caused by accessing the website or failure to access it; using the site and/or giving credit to any information originating directly or indirectly from the site; or for any use that may be made of this information.

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The site may provide the user and third parties with links to other sites or other Internet sources. S.A.M. des Entreprises J. B. PASTOR & FILS has no control over these sites and cannot be held liable for the content, advertising, products, services or any other material available from such third party sites. S.A.M. des Entreprises J. B. PASTOR & FILS may not be held liable for any proven or alleged damages or losses consecutive to or in connection with the use or reliance on the content of any third party sites or any goods and services available on these third party sites. The user is responsible for and shall bear all the risks relating to the use made of such site content, especially when the user relies on the timeliness, usefulness or completeness of such content.


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Pursuant to Articles 14 and 15, of the Monègasaque law of 23 December 1993 n°1165, you have a right to access and update your personal information. To exercise this right, please write to: S.A.M. des Entreprises J. B. PASTOR & FILS -  "The Prestige" - 25, Chemin des Revoires - B. P. 10

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